Recaps of First Two Spanish Webinars Hosted by XtremeLabs
| Domieh Daoud
New to XtremeLabs’s event lineup this year is a series of Spanish-language webinars that cover a variety of training topics relevant to technology professionals and students. You can watch the webinars here and see all of our events on our YouTube channel. Below are the recaps of our Zero Trust and Power Platform webinars.
Zero Trust: Microsoft’s Security Strategy
Recorded: September 26th
In this helpful and informative webinar Rafael Quiroz and Javier Lozano from Nanfor provided a picture of types of cybersecurity threats that companies face today along with a walk-through of Microsoft tools and strategies for providing and improving cybersecurity. If implemented correctly, these tools and tips will help secure and improve security and stability of digital infrastructure now and in the future.
While a technical understanding or a background in IT is not required, a minimal understanding of IT and fundamental understanding of Microsoft tools will make understanding and implementing the recommendations provided by Rafael and Javier easier.
During the webinar Javier shared how cybersecurity threats are a growing concern with ransomware attacks having recently increased by more than 300%. Rafael touched on how there are more than forty-six (46) functions / features built-in to various Microsoft Tools that provide IT professionals with options to protect their data and company data while following a “Zero Trust” cybersecurity strategy. Additionally, Rafael pointed out how a Cloud Adoption Framework consisting of tools, documentation and proven practices is important for preparing, planning, adopting tools and practices to better secure company data.
Attendees of the webinar are likely to agree with Rafael’s recommendations to keep assets away from attackers and take into account how an effective cybersecurity strategy involves not only technology but, also organizational leadership and optimization of human resources and performance.
More helpful information like the agenda for the webinar is available here-> Zero Trust: la estrategia de seguridad de Microsoft (Zero Trust: Microsoft’s security strategy) and a recording of the webinar with more details about good cybersecurity methods and practices is available at-> Zero Trust Microsoft Security Strategy
Power Platform: Process automation for non-developers
Recorded: October 26th
In this webinar Juan Manuel Lucio Lopez from CompuEducacion talks about how Power Platform / Power App tools and processes that people (including non- programmers) can use to build custom solutions for data collection, sorting and automated business processes. Juan provides not only a high-level overview but also a specific example of how Power Apps allows users to collect, integrate and show the visualization of information.
Automated business processes can reduce time and costs in all departments. Workflow designers streamline processes to reduce time spent on repetitive tasks, reduce deviation from standard business processes, minimize human error, increase visibility of the process, provide better audit trails, schedule tasks to be run even when staff is not available and more. Power Platform provides easy to use tools to automate business processes (including chat bots, report creation and more) without having the need to have a background in programming. Third party applications and documents can be used with Power Platform.
Power Platform allows users to create applications that can be used with mobile devices to include data from cameras, microphones, barcodes, videos and more. The solutions are not only web based but also allow the use of apps to integrate with features on the mobile device and a wide range of data sources.
The automation features in Power Platform are a great way to reduce time and expenses in almost all departments.
Attendees / viewers of the Power Platform webinar will be glad they watched and gained greater insight into tools and resources to automate and speed processes they work with.
Find out more about upcoming webinars here. If you have an idea for a future event, please let us know at sales@xtremelabs.io.